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[openpgp] rfc4880bis basics (was: List problems?)

2015-05-19 05:07:03
On Tue, 19 May 2015 01:44, wyllys(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com said:
Just checking in - all traffic from this list suddenly stopped on May 7.
Seems odd...

Well, we are all waiting for someone to do the first move.

I know that we do not have a charter yet but we agreed on developing
rfc4880bis.  This raises the question who will act as editor and what
format to use for editing.

How would the general procedure be: Convert 4880 into a source format
and put that into a public repo?  A good starting point might be to
merge 4880 with 5581 (Camellia) and 6637 (ECC).  With that all in one
document we can then deprecate v3 and other stuff before we start
working on a v5 key format or new features.

Although I am not a big fan of Markdown there is a nice tool to convert
a Markdown document to the RFC XML and finally to an I-D/RFC: pandoc2rfc
at  The advantage is that a simple text file can be
easily diffed and put into git.  [It would be nice if the IETF could
provide such a public repo.]



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