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Re: [openpgp] Proposed WG charter

2015-06-03 20:18:34
On Wed 2015-06-03 20:36:35 -0400, Christopher LILJENSTOLPE wrote:
I am not sure I'm going to be in Prague, although if the group wants
to meet, that would prod me a bit more.  What do we think, do we want
a meeting in Prague, or do we want to start on the list?

Well, we're already started on the list. :)

i think offering a meeting in Prague sounds reasonable if enough people
will be present and interested, and if there are specific agenda items
we want to have in-person discussion on.  No hard decisions would be
made in-person -- it would be information-gathering (and hopefully
consensus-building), with the results sent back to the mailing list for

Are there other folks on the list who plan to be in Prague who would
like to meet?  

Three things i think would be useful for in-person discussion, if we
have concrete proposals to review would be:

 * ECDH for 25519
 * signalling mechanisms for the use of a revised AEAD symmetric cipher
 * Fingerprint content and representations

Do people have any proposed agenda items?


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