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Re: [openpgp] [Cfrg] streamable AEAD construct for stored data?

2015-10-30 09:12:03
On Fri 2015-10-30 21:30:44 +0900, Watson Ladd wrote:
 b) it doesn't seem to compose as well with asymmetric signatures as one
    might like: a signature over the whole material can't itself be
    verified until one full pass through the data; and a signature over
    just the symmetric key would prove nothing, since anyone getting the
    symmetric key could forge an arbitrary valid, decryptable stream.
    Is there an intermediate approach that would combine an asymmetric
    signature with a chunkable authenticated encryption such that a
    decryptor could stream one pass and be certain of its origin (at
    least up until truncation, if (a) can't be resolved)?

Thoughts, pointers, or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Use authenticated encryption so no signatures are required. Detached
signature verification is used for large public messages already: no
streaming needed.

OK, i am worried that i might have sidetracked the dicsussion with this
side-note here.  We don't have a solution for (b) above today, and as
Watson notes, there are use patterns that suggest people might be OK
with doing two-pass signature verification before processing large

So i'd like to ask folks to put this side-note aside, please, and try to
re-focus on the main original question:

AGL describes this problem here:

and he roughly outlines a generic construction of a composable/chunkable
approach using AEAD:

Ideally such a scheme would take an AEAD and produce something very
like an AEAD in that it takes a key, nonce and additional data, but
can safely work in a streaming fashion. I don't think it need be very
complex: take 64 bits of the nonce from the underlying AEAD as the
chunk number, always start with chunk number zero and feed the
additional data into chunk zero with a zero byte prefix. Prefix each
chunk ciphertext with a 16 bit length and set the MSB to indicate the
last chunk and authenticate that indication by setting the additional
data to a single, 1 byte. The major worry might be that for many
underlying AEADs, taking 64 bits of the nonce for the chunk counter
leaves one with very little (or none!) left.

Two examples of projects that take something like this approach are
miniLock and Tahoe-LAFS:

I'm unaware of any formalization of this approach, though.  Does anyone
know of one?  If OpenPGP were to adopt AGL's construct, are there
specific risks to be aware of?


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