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Re: [openpgp] Tag indicating a MIME content

2016-07-07 05:35:24
I support this.

Nitpick, should this be "an" rather than "a" m?

 - V

Werner Koch(wk(_at_)gnupg(_dot_)org)@Thu, Jul 07, 2016 at 10:14:17AM +0200:

I recall that an indication for a MIME content has been proposed many
years ago but might have been forgotten.  Thus I propose this small
change for 4880bis:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
diff --git a/middle.mkd b/middle.mkd
index 033f11f..5519be3 100644
--- a/middle.mkd
+++ b/middle.mkd
@@ -2156,7 +2156,8 @@ ## {5.9} Literal Data Packet (Tag 11)
     may need line ends converted to local form, or other text-mode
     changes.  The tag 'u' (0x75) means the same as 't', but also
     indicates that implementation believes that the literal data
-    contains UTF-8 text.
+    contains UTF-8 text.  If it is a 'm' (0x6d), then it contains a
+    MIME message body part [](#RFC2045).
     Early versions of PGP also defined a value of 'l' as a 'local'
     mode for machine-local conversions.  RFC 1991 [](#RFC1991)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

MIME has several advantages: Interpretation of the plaintext can be done
without considering the context (e.g. part of a PGP/MIME message or
standalone).  The encoding of the message can be described without
resorting to the unprotected armor header.



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