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Re: [openpgp] [EXT] Re: AEAD Chunk Size

2019-05-03 16:30:01
From: openpgp <openpgp-bounces(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org> On Behalf Of Werner Koch
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 1:11 AM
I am not sure about the context.  Are you talking about the partial length 
encoding or about the AEAD chunk size, a modification of AEAD to allow 
detection of transmission errors before the end of the data?

Is the disconnect between Werner and many of those replying just whether it's 
meaningful to have 3 security levels instead of 2?

Level 1: The receiver verified the signature computed over all the data. The 
data is from Alice.
Level 2: The receiver verified AEAD chunks but not the signature. The data is a 
prefix of data sent by someone who had the decryption key to that data.
Level 3: The receiver verified neither AEAD chunks nor the signature. The data 
could be from anyone. It could be from your friend Alice, but modified by Eve 
in a way that compromises its confidentiality.

If one's threat model lumps levels #2 and #3 into one "untrusted" bucket, then 
AEAD is purely a convenience mechanism.

If one's threat model aims to protect downstream code that is robust against 
RCE attacks but weak against information disclosure attacks, then AEAD chunks 
provide measurable security.

For all other purposes I propose to use a different protocol on top of 
OpenPGP a (e.g MIME) and not to overload OpenPGP with unneeded stuff.

I think we can let people rely on OpenPGP to differentiate above levels #2 and 
#3 without making the OpenPGP protocol any more complicated. The maximum size 
for chunks just needs to be "small-ish": the value this thread was trying to 


Aside: An even safer way to use AEAD would be to sign something derived from 
the decryption key and place that signature before the AEAD Encrypted Data 
Packet. Thus when a library streams out checked AEAD chunks, those chunks are 
known to be prefixes of a message that Alice sent. This is the strongest 
security guarantee possible with a pure streaming interface. I think it would 
only be useful in an environment where unsigned data is always rejected. And 
this would complicate the spec!

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