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RE: Draft Agenda for IETF 56

2003-03-12 10:21:57

On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Reinaldo Penno wrote:

My understading is that OPES is going to work for HTTP as the
*application* protocol in phase 0. That does not mean the callout
protocol is HTTP or will only work for HTTP.

I agree.

If the OCP is protocol agnostic, supporting RTP or something else in
a later phase should be a matter of new specific messages/meta-data.

Exactly! But it does not happen automagically, just because we have a
SHOULD in the requirements draft. If we forget about that SHOULD now,
and only think about HTTP, then I am positive that we will violate
that SHOULD soon and, more importantly, would have to redo a lot of
work to satisfy it again. That is why I am suggesting that we are not
prohibited from making the callout protocol general enough to support
more than just HTTP. Now.

I pushed a lot for OCP to be protocol agnostic so that we do not
need to redo it again for every single application protocol, the
intelligence remain on the end points (OCP is basically an
intelligent data mover) and interoperability could be made easier.

I fully agree that OCP SHOULD be protocol agnostic. Now we need to do
the legwork to make it that way.


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