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Re: [smime] S/MIME publishing mailing list

2015-01-23 12:05:15
Miller, Timothy J. wrote:
We could build one big honkin' directory... :)

Yes. :-)
But with an e-mail process in front of it.

Personally I think there's more than enough ways discover and transfer

The problem is that there are so many ways normal end users have to know about
to get access to only partial space of S/MIME certs.

The gap, in my mind, is the introduction problem--if you and I have never
corresponded securely before, how do I know that the cert I have is yours?

Yes, basically that's the enrollment problem. It's a separate problem, and
much harder of course.

Ciao, Michael.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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