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Re: [smime] deprecate tripleDES?

2015-01-24 03:03:30
Paul Hoffman wrote:
On Jan 3, 2015, at 4:32 AM, Michael Ströder <michael(_at_)stroeder(_dot_)com> 
Isn't it the time to deprecate using tripleDES and add a stronger SHOULD for
using stronger symmetric ciphers?

Why? I have not seen any attacks on TripleDES that make it insecure.

The text from is pretty

  [..] If the sending agent
  chooses not to use AES-128 in this step, it SHOULD use tripleDES.

If there are two or more ways to interpret that sentence, we can clarify
it. I don't see more than one, but maybe I'm missing something.

Lazy implementors can read this section like:
"It's fine to only implement tripleDES and not support anything else forever."

Ciao, Michael.

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