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Re: Keywords for "SMTP Service Extension for Content Negotiation"

2002-07-14 21:55:06

At 06:50 +0900 on 07/14/2002, Dave Crocker wrote about Re: Keywords for "SMTP Service Extension for Content N:

 >if the message being transmitted is a fax and all recipients are capable
of fax,
then perhaps it is acceptable to downgrade the message to a lower quality fax
format which is acceptable to all.

Ever since multi-recipient addressing was introduced, we have had
downgrading, by virtue of users having to choose the least common
denominator approach to sending attachments.

So the fact that this new mechanism allows that downgrading to happen later
in the transmission sequence should not confuse anyone into thinking that
downgrading is a new or unusual requirement.


There are ways of delaying the downgrading until the recipient has actually received the content (and thus gets the message they would have received if they were the sole addressee). One that is obvious is the use of Multi-Part/Alternative. The sender creates the "downgraded" versions that are acceptable/required and hands the full set off to EACH OF THE RECIPIENTS. Each one then selects the version THEY WANT from the supplied versions without any heavy-handed LCD interference by an intermediary just due to one of the addressees being unwilling/unable to accept one of the "Better" versions.

I differentiate this from the type of on-the-fly downgrading that occurs with 8-Bit->QP transforms during relay since the original message CONTENT gets delivered even after the transform (so long as the receiving MUA understands QP) unlike the LCD transform where the original content is replaced with a lower quality LCD version.