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[ietf-smtp] draft-klensin-smtp-521code-02.txt

2014-09-07 11:29:12

To promote tidiness, I've just posted
draft-klensin-smtp-521code-02.txt.   It responds to an extended
discussion on the Apps-Discuss list and some on the IETF llst
about the new nullMX spec, error codes, and RFC 1846.  The scope
of the draft itself is intended to be quite narrow -- it updates
RFC 5321 by adding two codes, 521 and 556, to SMTP and defines
the uses for both.  In particular, it takes no stance on whether
dummy servers such as those proposed in 1846 or nullMX DNS
records should be used at all.

I've directed discussion toward this list on the theory that the
substance of the I-D is really an SMTP matter.  I assume the
draft will be handled as an individual submission.


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