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Re: participation in IETF meetings

2001-10-23 12:10:03
At 02:23 PM 10/23/01, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
Going back to the original question about more multicast sessions:

The advantage of multicast vs. tape-and-archive is the real-time aspect for the viewer. However, this is rarely, rarely used. If it turns out that switching from multicast to tape-and-archive can get more camera operators in more rooms, that would be a win for more WGs.

I have offered on more than one occasion at the Plenary, to pay a "remote attendance" fee. This would be used to:

 - fund camera setups in all rooms
 - fund Real or other non-multicast-dependent access
 - provide for email or IRC feedback channel(s) to each room

I have to wonder if the real time aspect appears never to be used because it's not usable.
Daniel Senie                                        dts(_at_)senie(_dot_)com
Amaranth Networks Inc.