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Re: Shuffle those deck chairs!

2004-10-20 12:56:36
On Oct 19, 2004, at 10:49 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:

i think that the ensuing ietf-isoc-malamud hairball should pay for IPR
searches of all final-drafts

In my experience, such searches, to be of any use, require the services of an intelligent (i.e. expensive) person, ideally with domain expertise, are quite time-consuming, and produce lots of false negatives. Also, an attorney should be consulted about the possible legal consequences; there are scenarios where one is better off not knowing of the existence of a patent whose owner might think you're infringing.

Having said that, if the org can afford the money and the process can afford the time and the legal risk is acceptable, this would be an excellent thing to do. -Tim

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