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Issue #735 - wording changed [was RE: No change needed? #735 "rig hts in data"]

2004-12-23 06:43:28

I don't think that there is a substantive issue here, just an 
editorial one.  What about just reusing Jorge's text, like this:

Margaret said (quoting the draft):

 The IAD is responsible for ensuring that all contracts give the IASA
 and the IETF all rights in data needed to satisfy the principle of
 data access.

Margaret suggested this changed text:

The IAD is responsible for ensuring that all contracts give IASA and 
the IETF the perpetual rigth to use, display, distribute, reproduce, 
modify and create derivatives of all data created in support of IETF 

The above text change seems fine to me and states the same as what we
want to say (in my view) and is less "twisted" (I agree).

So I have made the (in my view editorial) change in my edit buffer.

It is not much longer than the original, and I don't have to twist my 
brain around to realize what it is trying to say.

I can't think of a way to untwist the sentence more while making it 
say the same thing - suggest that we don't make any change.

Does my suggestions above help?


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  • Issue #735 - wording changed [was RE: No change needed? #735 "rig hts in data"], Wijnen, Bert (Bert) <=