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Re: Excellent choice for summer meeting location!

2004-12-31 11:31:19
It's a start at balancing out all the Minneapolis-in-winter meetings we
have had.

the part of mrose's "little black book" that made me laugh out loud was the
description of MFLD (Many Fine Lunches and Dinners).  minneapolis has a
good airport, good transport from the airport to the venue, and a good
venue.  the fact that it's not a popular vacation destination in wintertime
probably keeps a lot of folks from using ietf as an excuse to burn travel
budget on it just to enjoy the MFLD.  (you all know who i mean, though you
each no doubt have a different person's picture in your head right now.)

let's keep going to minneapolis for as long as they'll tolerate us, and
let's try to find summertime destinations that are equally appalling to
the MFLD community.  paris, in that regard, should be OFF the table.
Paul Vixie

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