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Re: Last Call: 'Requirements for IETF Draft Submission Toolset' to Informational RFC

2005-04-07 08:27:01
 Date: 2005-04-06 12:45
 From: "Alex Rousskov" <rousskov(_at_)measurement-factory(_dot_)com>
As others have pointed out, nroff (or MS Word, etc.) fans can still submit
their drafts using the Toolset (as currently defined); they just will not
submit their sources.

Which implies, for the case of documents where figures (etc.) differ
in PostScript/PDF and plain text versions, that there will still be a
substantial amount of manual effort required. See draft sections 1 & 8.
Generation of text, PostScript, and PDF from single troff source is not
only feasible, it is de rigeur.  It seems silly to specify a toolset
purportedly to provide benefits of automation, but not to specify
automated processing of a widely-used source format which is quite
amenable to automated processing.

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