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Re: Let's make the benches longer.... (Re: draft-klensin-nomcom-term-00.txt)

2005-08-01 14:35:41
On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 12:42:30PM -0400, Eric Rosen wrote:

the  normal process  for AD  replacement  involved choosing  which of  the
people who had  worked with the AD for  a long time could do  the job this

In American vernacular, this procedure is known as "cronyism".  

Generally, one doesn't expect to see this advocated in a public forum ;-)

In the corporate world, it's called "succession planning", and part
the responsibilities and duties of every responsible leader.

We actually have something rather close to this already, which is the
various Area Directorates.  Different areas seem to have different
levels of health in terms of how active the directorate is, how formal
is directorate membership, and how much work gets delegated from the
AD(s) to the directorate.

                                        - Ted

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