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RE: Keeping this IETF's schedule in the future...?

2005-08-03 11:17:45
Behalf Of Samuel Weiler

Not being a caffeine user, I hadn't noticed this one.  But 
I've found the lack of water and the flow controls on it disturbing.

At 16:43 today, 13 minutes into the break, I could not find 
water in the break area at all.  They seemed to have found 
some a few minutes later, but I'm wondering why we don't have 
water, even just tap water, available continuously.

When I used to live near Geneva I went off to a local restaurant where
they were horrified by my demand for tap water rather than paying for
bottled water.

The restaurant was in a small town called Evian and yes the local supply
does come from essentially the same source as the bottled stuff.

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