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Re: RFC 2487 [5]: Suggest dropping of "TLS Required"- forbid and extensions of current standards

2005-08-21 12:27:06

--On 21. august 2005 01:34 +0200 thomas schorpp 
<t(_dot_)schorpp(_at_)gmx(_dot_)de> wrote:

but AICPA or CICA are no "can of worms" ;)

what hassle with tls?

install postfix, etc, get certificate signed and enable - ready.

if you're a private mailserver, and know your technology by heart, easy.
If your domain is "", or anything where 1 hour of downtime generates more than 1000 angry calls from customers?
If your mailserver is a Sendmail with a heavily customized
If your mailserver is interfaced to CC:Mail?
If you require your legal department to sign off on any contracts, including the one you have to enter into with CACert?

Don't underestimate the work required to upgrade a million mailservers.

(nevertheless, when I get a free 4 hours, I intend to do just what you suggest for my own Postfix installation, and offer OPTIONAL TLS-protected SMTP... it will be interesting to see if anyone takes advantage of it...)


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