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Re: [narten(_at_)us(_dot_)ibm(_dot_)com: PI addressing in IPv6 advances in ARIN]

2006-04-14 09:50:11
Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
Wow, 10 to 1. Amazing.

Sounds like a rough consensus to me.

Even more amazing: 60 people who represent nobody but their own paycheck get to blow up the internet.

I find this comment extremely offensive.  Nobody in that room
would have supported a policy they actually believed would blow up
the Internet.  Your implication that the participants were
either uninformed or diddn't care about the consequences is
completely off base.

Where is ICANN when you need it? This little experiment in playground democracy has to end before people get hurt.

You would actually prefer ICANN replace the open policy process
of the RIR's?

ARIN participants are simply following the principles the IETF used
to use: rough consensus AND running code.

- Kevin (trimming the cc: list for everyone's sanity)

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