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RE: NATs as firewalls

2007-03-05 10:16:32

From: Brian E Carpenter [mailto:brc(_at_)zurich(_dot_)ibm(_dot_)com] 


(after also reading Michael's response)

I don't disagree. I think there is scope for writing a list 
of desirable properties for SOHO routers in the light of 
these various inputs. I'm less certain it can be done for 
enterprise boundary routers. But it would be a tricky and 
contentious job in both cases. Even draft-ietf-v6ops-nap took 
many moons and several major editing passes, and it only 
starts the work.

SOHO is the one that won't get done otherwise. The enterprise folk have 
Gartner, Burton and the Jericho forum to express their list of requirements 
through (and the RFP process to put those requirements on the vendor product 

From the SOHO perspective I have been saying for years now that many of the 
problems we have wit bots would be significantly reduced if SOHO routers and 
cable modems came configured with an outbound firewall by default.

The restrictions I would like to see would have zero impact on even the most 
aggressive residential user participating in peer to peer networks etc. 

  * Prevent routing of spoof source address packets
  * Limit the number of outbound TCP connections initiated per time interval
       * General limit
       * Smaller limit for connections to the same IP
       * Smaller limit for outbound SMTP connections
  * Limit the number of DNS requests

Even the most generous limits significantly cut the value of a bot. A machine 
that can only send ten thousand spams an hour will at most fetch 1% of the rent 
that a bot capable of a million an hour.

In the home of the future Mr Coffee will be WiFi capable. I for one do not want 
to be spending my time dealling with the consequences of botted coffee pots, 
fidges and light switches.

What distinguishes the network from the inter-network is responsibility. I am 
responsible for the impact that my network has on the inter-network. Even as 
the perimiter security model becomes obsolete the perimeter will still mark the 
boundary for accountability.
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