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Re: draft-housley-two-maturity-levels-00

2010-06-22 23:37:52
I agree with these comments, and I'll tackle them in -01 of the draft.


On 6/20/2010 5:53 AM, SM wrote:
In Section 6:

  'The current rule prohibiting "down references" is a major cause
   of stagnation in the advancement of documents.'

There isn't any current rule that prohibits "down references".  The
reason for discouraging downward references is to have the specification
at the same maturity level.
"Downward reference by annotation" can still be used.  That allows the
community to balance the importance of getting a document published.

In Section 7:

  "In several situations, a Standard is obsoleted by a Proposed Standard"

A Standard is not obsoleted by a Proposed Standard.  A RFC with a status
of Internet Standard can be obsoleted by a RFC at Proposed Standard.

In Section 8:

  "On the day these changes are published as a BCP, all existing Draft
   Standard and Standard documents automatically get reclassified as
   Interoperable Standard documents"

One of the benefits of doing this is that the IP Version 6 Addressing
Architecture can be recognized as a "Standard" for whatever definition
of standard this community finds suitable.

This document has RFC 2606 as an Informative Reference.  That should at
the very least be a Normative Reference.
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