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2011-11-30 10:31:43
Two comments, admittedly from someone who's been well out of ISP sysadmin for some years now:

1) The proposal in draft-weil sucks. It fills me with abject horror that some ISPs - and I hope not all - are going to deploy CGN and other, similar, half-arsed connectivity tricks to pretend to customers that they're offering an actual service.

2) Unfortunately, the alternative - forcing the ISPs to jury-rig their own, worse, solutions, in effect - seems worse. I'm persuaded in particular by the comments made by Owen DeLong. And awful connectivity via the draft-weil method is at least better service than these alternatives.

Therefore I support, with immense distaste, publication of draft-weil as a Least Awful Common Practise document. I'm really not keen on the notion of it being labelled "Best", but I suppose it'll have to do.

Dave. (Sent via IPv6, of course).
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