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RE: A sort of council of elders for the internet

2013-11-10 04:10:23
And not a single woman in that photograph.

What does that tell you?

Lloyd Wood

From: ietf-bounces(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org [ietf-bounces(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org] On 
Behalf Of SM [sm(_at_)resistor(_dot_)net]
Sent: 09 November 2013 18:18
To: Andrew G. Malis
Cc: ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org
Subject: Re: A sort of council of elders for the internet

Hi Andrew,
At 08:24 09-11-2013, Andrew G. Malis wrote:
You mean these guys?

The specification was as follows:

   "If your beard is white, gray, flecked with gray or on the brink of graying,
    your presence is requested.  No minimum length requirement.  Honorary
    graybeards welcome (those with a valid biological reason for NOT growing
    a prodigious gray beard, but otherwise qualified)"

At 08:51 09-11-2013, Ted Lemon wrote:
Harald and Dan don't have grey beards in that picture, so that can't be it.

As there is photographic evidence of graybeards and it is compliant
with the specification, it must be true that it is the sort of
council of elders for the internet.
