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Re: A DNS security issue that might actually have impact eventually

2014-01-16 14:46:37
On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker 
<hallam(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:
In recent news there have been two cases of DNS registrars being 'ordered'
to take down domain names and lock them against transfer. The city of London
police case is well known. There is also a Pharmacy industry group asserting
the 'right' to take down sites without a court order or any form of due

this has been going on for ~5+ years now, DHS/ICE asserts this sort of
authority almost daily on com/net (at least)... and has gotten into
the press several times for 'bad' takedowns. (there was a rather loud
incident with: in 2001)

I don't quite understand how the above 2 examples are any different,
it'd be nice if gov'ts would stop asserting this sort of control
method :( especially since it's not particularly effective at stopping
bad actors.


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