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Re: draft discussion lists

2014-09-01 13:36:01

On 9/1/14, 7:58 PM, Michael StJohns wrote:
We seem to be getting  (or I seem to be noticing) a lot more drafts that 
aren't associated with a specific working group, or are pre-WG adoption. I'm 
finding myself at a loss for where to go on some of these to "discuss" that 
isn't off-topic for whatever list I might be directed to.  

How about 

[all of that]...

Or actually using our working group process?

Well then you’d have to rein in the IAB… :)

There was a period of time when drafts included a pointer to the mailing list 
where discussion was expected to take place.
That useful bit of capability was dropped in the advance of progress.  It was 
determined that pre-WG discussions would usually 
get lost in transition to IETF sponsored lists, so everything should occur on 
IETF sponsored lists…  which never happens.  :)


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