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Re: draft discussion lists

2014-09-03 15:49:29
At 07:35 PM 9/2/2014, Fred Baker (fred) wrote:

On Sep 2, 2014, at 4:38 AM, Dave Cridland 
<<mailto:dave(_at_)cridland(_dot_)net>dave(_at_)cridland(_dot_)net> wrote:

So we'll only discuss ideas that are written up as drafts, and we'll only 
discuss them in a working group, and we'll only create a working group around 
drafts that have traction, and we'll only consider a draft to have traction 
if there's discussion, and we'll only discuss them in a working group, and ...

No. But if someone takes the time to write a draft, Mike wants us to provide a 
place to discuss it. From my perspective, that isn?t silly.

Yup - there are at least a few recent cases where there aren't good defaults in 
place for where to post for a draft, and where asking the author's wasn't 
really definitive. 

There's also the point that for some of those, I *really* don't want to join 
the wider mailing list as the S/N ratio is poor or simply isn't of great 
interest to me regularly.  Finally, there's the whole "exactly which subject 
line corresponds to comments on the draft and why did it change 5 times since 
the original post?" problem.

All of these can be worked around, but at the cost of additional already scarce 
reading/reviewing time.

The march of IDs is unrelenting.  I'd *really* like it if I didn't have to 
track down an author just to figure out where the document is being discussed.  
Things like don't 
help the problem.  

Later, Mike

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