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Re: IETF web site behind CloudFlare

2014-09-17 00:37:57
On Tue, 16 Sep 2014, Rich Kulawiec wrote:

That effectively breaks the site for anyone using a text-only browser or for anyone who (wisely) uses a browser add-on like NoScript. [1] While the use of JavaScript for *some* web site functions is reasonable, any web site that doesn't provide basic functionality (including navigation) without it is, in my opinion, completely inadequate for professional use.

The fun^Winteresting part is that when I last year said I would like TCP window scaling turned on:

I got shot down that the IETF web site needed to be accessed by everybody and that TCP window scaling might have bugs. Compared to the cloudflare move, that's... errr... I don't have words.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swmike(_at_)swm(_dot_)pp(_dot_)se