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Re: Local Cloud Node

2014-10-15 07:55:35

Hi Jim,

On 15/10/14 13:49, Jim Gettys wrote:

​Since writable flash must be protected (and cheaply!), and
software/firmware still updated in such devices
one area may be to describe such mechanisms, along with the issues of key
best practices which are far from the minds of most vendors who have never
given thought to long lived network systems.
Without such guidance, we'll live in a sea of vulnerability.

Looming larger is the observation that as an industry we don't think about
building systems and software with long life times; that goes well beyond
the IETF.

Yes, a bunch of this is not really directly IETF stuff, but as you
say there could be informational/bcp documents that'd be of value
or maybe we'd find that the tools we already have (CMS, jose etc.)
might not be quite right or could need some extensions/addons that'd
help, or even that some new protocol might be needed.

As to I-D's, I have to locate appropriate co-authors before I can commit to

Sure. I hope some folks get in touch with you on that.


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