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Re: Please welcome the facilitators at ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org

2016-11-11 07:18:55

On 09/11/16 19:16, S Moonesamy wrote:

Please see the message at for
context.  This message is not copied to the IETF Chair as he will read
this thread.

At 14:22 23-03-2016, IETF Chair wrote:
This arrangement is an experiment that we intend to review after some
time to determine both feasibility for the facilitators and perceived

Seven months has elapsed since this experiment started.  If I am asked
whether the experiment had any perceived impact, my answer would be that
the impact is insignificant.

Actually I thought it was maybe sorta working ok. However,
the interesting question is how we'd even know if it is
or is not working given that "working" here essentially
mean noise reduction.

If anyone (facilitators or others) had feedback to the
effect that, but for a facilitator email, someone would
have replied to some thread realising (possibly in
retrospect) that such a reply was probably unproductive,
then that could be useful to know maybe.


 In terms of feasibility, it is a
significant effort to read the ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org mailing list daily 
for a
long period of time to determine when there is an issue and when to step
in.  It does not make sense to pursue this experiment if it did not
bring anything positive to the subscribers of this mailing list.

Could you please send some feedback about whether it is useful to have
Facilitators for ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org?

S. Moonesamy

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