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RE: Video Streaming Bar BoF @ IETF98

2017-03-26 14:07:51
Hi Glenn, all,

Thank you for arranging this.

At the BBC we are very interesting in solving some of the challenges for 
streaming at scale. Some of our recent research has focused on the transport of 
MPEG-DASH over multicast, in particular addressing some of the issues around 
clients' ability to discover such services and reuse of existing technologies.

To this end, we have published an I-D that describes a generic bulk transport 
using HTTP over multicast QUIC 
 We also have a prototype of this, specialised for a live MPEG-DASH stream, 
which we have demonstrated with Automatic Multicast Tunnelling (AMT) at the 

We'll be at the Bar boF and hope to meet like minded souls.

Lucas Pardue
From: 98attendees [98attendees-bounces(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org] on behalf of Deen, 
Glenn (NBCUniversal) [Glenn(_dot_)Deen(_at_)nbcuni(_dot_)com]
Sent: 22 March 2017 18:37
To: 98attendees(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org; ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org
Subject: [98attendees] FW: Video Streaming Bar BoF @ IETF98

I want to invite anyone who is interested in Internet Video Streaming to a Bar 
BoF on Internet Video Streaming to be held at IETF98.

Time:     Monday Oct 27th  at 6:30-7:30pm CDT
Where:  Columbus Tap at the Fairmont (this is the overflow hotel and is 
connected to the venue via the underground mall).

This is open to anyone interested so please feel free to pass this invite 
along.  I'm told that the Columbus Tap also has a fine selection of beer!

This is a non-hosted event, meaning no free beer, but there will be great 
discussion of Internet video!

Glenn Deen


Topic: Video Streaming eXtensions (V-SX)


Due to its size and sensitivity to network conditions, the transport of video 
over the Internet has highlighted a significant scalability problem for the 
Internet.  On the belief that addressing this scalability problem requires 
better integration between application transport and networking technologies 
and leveraging IPv6, this Bar BOF will solicit experiences of the scaling 
problem as perceived from different parts of the industry (network, producer, 

Video is without rival the top use of Internet bandwidth, and its ever growing 
demand for more bandwidth easily out paces the new capacity being added both 
globally and regionally with no let up in sight.   Users are frustrated by 
quality, buffering, and stuttering problems. Video providers and access 
networks are investing heavily to keep up with demand.  Significant work has be 
done at the application layer producing more efficient codecs and innovative 
adaptive bitrate transports like MPEG-DASH.  These access investments and 
application layer work have helped but they alone have not been enough.

A target of any eventual work and product is to enable video and network 
routing / management to work more cooperatively and efficiently to transport 
video.  Successful approaches will need to do so in a backward compatible ways 
to permit exiting devices and players to take advantage of the improved network 

One proposed approach to dealing with issues was outlined in the Glass to Glass 
Internet Ecosystem BoF proposal — related drafts and mailing list information 
is provided below.  A demonstration of GGIE will be provided during the BoF, 
for illustration purposes.  Discussion is expected and encouraged to range 
further than the specific GGIE proposal.

This will be an interactive discussion and we encourage anyone with an interest 
in this topic to come and share their ideas.

Context setting [5min]

Roundtable discussion of the issue(s) [30min]

Demo of GGIE prototype [10min]

Where from here? [15min]
Potential for IETF work — is there interest to pursue?
Work for other groups?

        Mailing List: ​

        Relevant drafts:
            draft-deen-daigle-ggie-02 :  Glass to Glass Internet Ecosystem 
   draft-rose-deen-ggie-use-cases-00 : GGIE Internet Video Use Cases
   draft-daigle-deen-ggie-uri-snaptr-00 :  Glass to Glass Internet Ecosystem 
   draft-deen-naik-ggie-men-mpeg-dash-00 : Using Media Encoding Networks to 
address MPEG-DASH video

Time:     Monday Oct 27th  at 6:30-7:30pm CDT
Where:  Columbus Tap at the Fairmont (this is the overflow hotel and is 
connected to the venue via the underground mall).

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