
Re: Problems setting up marc-search

1997-03-14 10:10:54
Reply to Thomas' questions sent off-list since the issues involved
have now gravitated toward very site specific problems.

When I return from Paris (sigh), I will try to improve
the documentation for marc-search based on what I've learned from
this and other exchanges.  Hopefully this will help to demystify
the process somewhat and thus bring it up to the high standard
of user friendliness that we all know and love in mhonarc. :-)

Thanks for your patience,

: Eric,
: I am sorry but I still have problems to get it to run. I could get a few
: things clearded by now but I am still not at the goal.
: According to Eric D. Friedman:
: >
: >: to adjust the setting according to the recomandations given but all what
: >: I get is the script loaded as a regular text in my browser.
: >: my $script = $server . '/kww/www/irrig_l/db/marc-search.cgi';
: >Again, this needs to supply the path for the script in a scriptaliased
: >directory.
: Our system admin told me that the following URL is scriptable and I have
: put marc-search.cgi into it so it should work now:
: What about the cgi libraray ""?
: -----------------------------------------
: in which directory should it be placed ? I have put it into
: the same like like the script, okay ? or should it be located
: in the "/usr/lib/"  (the admin would have to place it there).
: ( The cgilib is:  $cgilib = '/usr/lib/libPEX5.a' )
: Does the content of the must have something like
: in the first line pointing to perl ?
: #!/usr/bin/perl
: The other version you pointed at and I have dowloaded it does not have
: it just saying:
: # Perl Routines to Manipulate CGI input
: # S(_dot_)E(_dot_)Brenner(_at_)bioc(_dot_)cam(_dot_)ac(_dot_)uk
: # $Id:,v 2.14 1996/10/20 12:41:02 brenner .... 
: and so on.
: Starting the Script
: -------------------
: As I am NEW to this I followed the instructions in the Script itself
: described under "Usage". I didn't understand that as I think there
: should be an execution from a FORM which probably was assumed that
: every body knows. I implemented it in the way described with a regular
: LINK pointing to marc-search.cgi which did not work. So I had a look at one 
: of the archives and had a look
: at the source and have adjusted them to my needs and implemented now
: the following lines in the "maillist.html" of the archive.
: <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=ArchiveDir VALUE="/kww/www/irrig_l/db/1997/01/">
: <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=BaseHref VALUE="
: <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=Index_URL Value="
: <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=Index_Name Value="irrigation-l 01 und 02 1997">
: <INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Start Search">
: </FORM><hr>
: Now at least it is executed but ends in a error:
: "501 Not Implemented
:  We are sorry to be unable to perform the method POST to non-script at
:  this time or to this document."
: I have done some minor changes to the settings but without success.
: Actual settings of marc-search.cgi
: ----------------------------------
: my $server = '';
: my $help = $server . '/kww/index.html';
: my $doc_root = '/home/www';
: my $script = $server . '/kww/cgi';
: my $cgilib = '/usr/lib/libPEX5.a';
: Example I am trying to run:
: ---------------------------
: (its not the final layout :-))
: Oranising different archives:
: -----------------------------
: I have started to set up my archives in the following way getting two
: monthes in one archive.
: January and Febr.:
: March and April:
: June and July:
: and so on.
: Referring to your previous question I think it is much easier to name
: the months by numbers rather using ../january/ ../february etc.
: It would be really useful if I could scan all archives which would be
: bejond the directory lets say ../1997/... or even better beyond 
: ../db/.. (s. also above).
: I hope I get that search sorted out and would appreciate any comments.
: Thanks for your time
: Thomas
: _____________________________________________________________________________
:  Thomas-M. Stein
:  University of Kassel (FB11)    Phone     : (+49)-5542-98-1632
:  Dep. of Rural Engineering and  Fax       : (+49)-5542-98-1588
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