
<NOSORT> for index?

1997-05-18 03:07:26
Hi, if have just created my first mhonarc archive.
(it is in Japanese)
My mailing list has running numbers on all the subjects like
[win95j 1]
[win95j 2]
win95j 150] ....
In the mbox file to be converted they are all in the numbered order and
i figured out by using <NOSORT> i could have my mails in the numbered
order in the main index.
.But in the thread index, the mails are sorted by date and then threaded.
As there are always people with wrong Date:s, is there any possibility
to do threading without sorting the messages by date?

I sent the above question to this ML a few weeks a go and all i got was
that i needed to edit the code.
As i guess the routine that's doing threading gets the Date: sorted mbx
contents, wouldn't it be easy to first skip date-sorting and input
the messages in an order as-is to the routine?
I don't feel confortable enough with Perl to do it myself, so has anybody
done it or is willing to do it?

Thanks a lot
#Will upgrade to new 2.0 MHonArc tomorrow, from 2.0b


            Oliver M. Bolzer

PGP-Fingerprint:   0A A5 48 FB FC 72 69 1A  7E 7F 08 34 48 14 C7 77
  俺はOliverえ焉扤扤, 扤扤\xD7 

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