
Timezones in MHonArc (RFC)

1998-11-28 21:11:29
MHonArc Users,

NOTE: What I am going to mention is not implemented in any available
version of MHonArc.  I am seeking comments about changes to timezone
support in a future release.

The plan is to support HHMM specifications for timezones in MHonArc.
From the information provided by Jeff and others and from Date::Manip,
I have compiled a list of timezones.  For those with familiarity with
timezones, please look over the list to see if there is any errors
and/or you can contribute comments on what some acronyms represent.
Note, the same acronym is used for different time zones.  The ones
prefixed with a '#' (the Perl comment character) are not used by
default and would require the user to use the TIMEZONES resource to
activate them.

The list below is in the format of a Perl hash:

##      The %Zone array should be augmented to contain all timezone
##      specifications with the positive/negative hour offset from UTC
##      (GMT).  The zone value is *added* to the time containing the
##      zone to determine GMT time.  Hence, the values will be the
##      negative inverse used in actual time specifications in messages.
%Zone = (
    'ACDT', '-1030',    # Australian Central Daylight
    'ACST', '-0930',    # Australian Central Standard
    'ADT',   '0300',    # (US) Atlantic Daylight
    'AEDT', '-1100',    # Australian East Daylight
    'AEST', '-1000',    # Australian East Standard
    'AHDT',  '0900',
    'AHST',  '1000',
    'AST',   '0400',    # (US) Atlantic Standard
    'AT',    '0200',    # Azores
    'AWDT', '-0900',    # Australian West Daylight
    'AWST', '-0800',    # Australian West Standard
    'BAT',  '-0300',
    'BDST', '-0200',
    'BET',   '1100',
    'BST',   '0300',    # Brazil Standard
#   'BST',  '-0100',    # British Summer
    'BT',   '-0300',    # Baghdad
    'BZT2',  '0300',
    'CADT', '-1030',    # Central Australian Daylight
    'CAST', '-0930',    # Central Australian Standard
    'CAT'    '1000',    # Central Alaska
    'CCT',  '-0800',    # China Coast
    'CDT',   '0500',    # (US) Central Daylight
    'CED',  '-0200',
    'CET',  '-0100',    # Central European
    'CST',   '0600',    # (US) Central Standard
    'EAST', '-1000',    # Eastern Australian Standard
    'EDT',   '0400',    # (US) Eastern Daylight
    'EED',  '-0300',
    'EET',  '-0200',    # Eastern Europe
    'EEST', '-0300',    # Eastern Europe Summer
    'EST',   '0500',    # (US) Eastern Standard
    'FST',  '-0200',    # French Summer
    'FWT',  '-0100',    # French Winter
    'GMT',   '0000',    # Greenwich Mean
    'GST',  '-1000',    # Guam Standard
#   'GST',   '0300',    # Greenland Standard
    'HDT',   '0900',    # Hawaii Daylight
    'HST',   '1000',    # Hawaii Standard
    'IDLE', '-1200',    # Internation Date Line East
    'IDLW',  '1200',    # Internation Date Line West
    'IST',  '-0530',    # Indian Standard
    'IT',   '-0330',    # Iran
    'JST',  '-0900',    # Japan Standard
    'JT',   '-0700',
    'MDT',   '0600',    # (US) Mountain Daylight
    'MED',  '-0200',
    'MET',  '-0100',    # Middle European
    'MEST', '-0200',    # Middle European Summer
    'MEWT', '-0100',    # Middle European Winter
    'MST',   '0700',    # (US) Mountain Standard
    'MT',   '-0800',
    'NDT',   '0230',    # Newfoundland Daylight
    'NFT',   '0330',    # Newfoundland
    'NT',    '1100',    # Nome
    'NST',  '-0630',    # North Sumatra
#   'NST',   '0330',    # Newfoundland Standard
    'NZ',   '-1100',
    'NZST', '-1200',    # New Zealand Standard
    'NZDT', '-1300',    # New Zealand Daylight
    'NZT',  '-1200',    # New Zealand
    'PDT',   '0700',    # (US) Pacific Daylight
    'PST',   '0800',    # (US) Pacific Standard
    'ROK',  '-0900',    # Republic of Korea
    'SAD',  '-1000',
    'SAST', '-0900',
    'SAT',  '-0900',
    'SDT',  '-1000',
    'SST',  '-0200',    # Swedish Summer
    'SWT',  '-0100',    # Swedish Winter
    'USZ3', '-0400',
    'USZ4', '-0500',
    'USZ5', '-0600',
    'USZ6', '-0700',
    'UT',    '0000',    # Universal Coordinated
    'UTC',   '0000',    # Universal Coordinated
    'UZ10', '-1100',
    'WAT',   '0100',    # West Africa
    'WET',   '0000',    # West European
    'WST',  '-0800',    # West Australian Standard
    'YDT',   '0800',    # Yukon Daylight
    'YST',   '0900',    # Yukon Standard
    'ZP4',  '-0400',    # USSR Zone 3
    'ZP5',  '-0500',    # USSR Zone 4
    'ZP6',  '-0600',    # USSR Zone 5


Earl Hood

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