
Re: Removing comments at top of converted message

1999-04-01 14:43:57
The problem actually is that the comments are before a login check that is
also before the <HTML> tag, and I am saving the pages as Active Server
Pages. NT Server or FrontPage extensions don't like those comments with the
following conversion:

<!-- MHonArc v2.3.3 -->
<!--X-Subject: Fw: Test post with new Sendmail -->
<!--X-From: "Me" <mailer(_at_)mymailserver(_dot_)com> -->
<!--X-Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 17:47:33 &#45;0600 -->
002c01be7b08$00697a60$b66a1e81(_at_)user(_dot_)mymailserver(_dot_)com -->
<!--X-Content-Type: text/plain -->
If Not Session("LoginOK") Then Response.redirect "/default.htm"

However this is OK:

If Not Session("LoginOK") Then Response.redirect "/default.htm"
<!-- MHonArc v2.3.3 -->
<!--X-Subject: Fw: Test post with new Sendmail -->
<!--X-From: "Me" <sender(_at_)mymailserver(_dot_)com> -->
<!--X-Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 17:47:33 &#45;0600 -->
002c01be7b08$00697a60$b66a1e81(_at_)sender(_dot_)mymailserver(_dot_)com -->
<!--X-Content-Type: text/plain -->

If the comments are after my login check, everything is fine, but if the
they are before, the server kicks out an error. In any case, I found the
code in where the comments are being added and took them out for
now. I would like to make it so I can place my login check first, and still
have the comments in place in case I have to recover the DB, but I don't
know if having the code before the comments will break the recovery
function. Other than that, MhonArc has been a great program and is extreemly
useful. Thanks!


----- Original Message -----
From: Earl Hood <ehood(_at_)hydra(_dot_)acs(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu>
To: Eric Paulson <techguy(_at_)enteract(_dot_)com>
Cc: <mhonarc(_at_)ncsa(_dot_)uiuc(_dot_)edu>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: Removing comments at top of converted message

On March 26, 1999 at 13:53, "Eric Paulson" wrote:

I am trying to remove the comments from the beginning of the converted
messages (before the <HTML> tag). I am using the converted messages on
an NT
server and saving them as Active Server Pages . I have used a resource
to add a bit of code to the top of each converted message that adds a
security check to make sure the user is logged into the website.
Unfortunately these comments conflict with my code and cause the page to
error. Is there a resource that will allow me to do this, or is this
into the Perl scripts? Thanks in advance!

It is coded into the program.  You can modify the code to not
output the comments, but you lose the ability to recover the database
of the archive if it gets corrupted.

Cannot the server proper skip the comments?


             Earl Hood              | University of California: Irvine
      ehood(_at_)medusa(_dot_)acs(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu      |      Electronic 
Loiterer | Dabbler of SGML/WWW/Perl/MIME

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