
Problem with MHonArc

1999-07-06 10:06:38
When creating (or adding to) an archive, a "\" is inserted before the
file name instead of "/". For instance, the command

        mhonarc -outdir .../misc/archive .../inbox

results in the file archive\maillist.html being created in the /misc
folder instead of the maillist.html file being created in the
/misc/archive folder.

Perl version:           5.004_01
MHonArc version:        2.4.0
Unix "uname -a"   =>    BSD/OS 3.1 BSDI BSD/OS 3.1
                        Virtual Kernel #17:
                        Tue Dec 22 10:30:12 MST 1998
                        root:/usr/src/sys/compile/VKERN i386

Any help would be appreciated.


Gunnar Hjalmarsson

Phone:  +46 70 5508110       Internet:  mailbox(_at_)gunnar(_dot_)cc
Fax:    +46 70 6108110        

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