
MHonArc Ranking of Search Results

1999-07-06 10:16:37

I've seen reference in the MHonArc code to a ranking of search results
capability (5 "stars" for most relevent result, 4 for next, 3 and so on).
Can you point me to any additional info on this feature?

Do you know how to get the ranked order gifs to display (The higher the
ranking, the more "stars" display)? The MHonArc code references it and I
have the gifs in the .../maillist/archive/airport folder

Thanks for any help you can provide

Steve Irwin

Stephen Irwin, M.S., A.A.E.
San Francisco Int'l Airport - Operations
Member California Transportation Commission - Technical Advisory Committee,
Chair SWAAAE Legislative Committee
Member AAAE Safety, Security & Technical Services Committee
SWAAAE Webmaster
SWAAAE: Airport News Editor

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