
Re: MHonArc Performance Tips Document

2005-07-13 13:44:41
first thanks for this great document!

I have some question about performance. I read the document:

My question are the following:
To activate this option in mharc, can I simply add in the line:
# Uses fast temp files                                                          

Then I do "make config" and all is fine?

Why does he create temporary files? Why will not be the file simply in the 
memory in a string buffer of Perl?
It's only temporary because, if every time a file is created by the system 
calls open, write, close, open, read, close, unlink,
it would be simpler to put the temporary file directly in the memory space in 
the perl program? Or is the temporary file readden
by another program?

For the QUIET option:
How can I activate the quiet option in mharc? I don't find a line in the 
"" file to specify an extra command line?

I wouldn't like to modifiy directly the perl script sources. :-)

Thanks always Earl for this great document you have written, it's very helpful 
for my site.

Best regards,
Administrator at
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