
Re: Message body size limits? (Bigger Problem)

2011-12-04 00:16:28
Thanks for the reply

Is it possible some malformed email could be causing a parsing error? What I am 
getting at. If I have 250 emails in a folder, how is it the run on the folder 
is writing 260. The extra ten being date and subject blank, sometimes, and 
sometimes, with or without content. 

Here is what I think might be happening.

Email 1
Email 2
with a malformed reply quote with some header info
Email 3
  with a malformed reply quote with some header info
Email 4
------end of run

When the parser reads them, is it possible Mhonarc is picking up on malformed 
reply quotes and thinks they are new emails within the actual email? So instead 
of 4 emails in the above example, it thinks there are 6. Garbage in, garbage 
out comes to mind.

I did solve the broken HTML, not very efficently with Outlook 2010 as it does 
allow for a striping of all HTML code by setting the open email to “edit” then 
choosing “plain text”  after you edit anything in the body of the email. Even 
if it is just a carriage return or a space. Close the email and save on exit 
and the whole email is rewritten, stripping out all HTML and resetting the 
header information to show “plain/text” and whatever you have the encoding set 
to. Stripping out all HTML from the emails was the only way I could think of to 
solve the unclosed <table> attribute in quite a few emails which was causing 
problems with the msgxxx.html pages.

It’s long past time for standardized header and html format for email. If 
anything it might secure them more...
