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Re: [Nmh-workers] RC3

2004-02-26 21:30:04

On February 26, 2004, Ken Hornstein 
<kenh(_at_)cmf(_dot_)nrl(_dot_)navy(_dot_)mil> wrote:
Yes, it should be nmh-1.1.  In docs/README.developers at the end it has the
process one is supposed to follow to make a release.  Doing a 'make nmhdist'
creates the directory with the version number and populates it with just the
files that are supposed to be there (e.g. we shouldn't be distributing that
"autom4te.cache" directory, should we)?

Sigh.  Probably not, but I decided to include it anyway, since I
actually haven't figured out what it's there for.  A few people have
complained about the directory name; I will fix that and put a new tar
ball up there.

Be sure to also do step 2 from README.developers process (a ChangeLog entry
to mark the release of the version in question).

I'm also having problems compiling nmh 1.1 on my Red Hat 9 box:

Sigh.  It seems Red Had comes with Cyrus SASL 1.5.x; nmh uses the Cyrus-SASL
2.x API, which is not compatible.  It would be possible to support both,
but that's a fair amount of work.

I'm perfectly happy to install the latest Cyrus SASL from source in
/usr/local.  I think we should add something like this to INSTALL (note it
currently doesn't mention --with-cyrus-sasl):

     Specify the location of the Cyrus SASL headers and libraries to support
     SASL authentication mechanisms.  Note that nmh only supports version
     2.x of the Cyrus SASL API.  See docs/README.SASL for more information.

I was going to suggest adding a specific mention of Red Hat 9, but wait a
sec -- that doesn't appear to be what's going on in this case:

    www-dan> rpm -qa | fgrep -i sasl

Hmm.  Okay, I see, /usr/include/sasl.h is the 1.5 version of the header, and
/usr/include/sasl/sasl.h is the 2.1 version.  I presume this happens if you
install Cyrus 2.1 with some kind of 1.x compatibility turned on or
something?  Does 2.1 always install sasl.h in a "sasl" subdirectory?  If so,
you could change it from #include <sasl.h> to #include <sasl/sasl.h> to get
around the problem.

Otherwise, some autoconf support will be necessary.

Again, I would look into this more right now but I'm still stuck at work in
the midst of a semi-crisis.  Will try to look at this more tonight.  I think
it would be good to get this sorted before calling 1.1 done.  Sorry I didn't
bleat about this earlier in the Release Candidate process.  Dang busyness...

Dan Harkless

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