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Re: [Nmh-workers] I don't know git

2012-02-04 10:21:03
ken wrote:
Would somebody be willing to tell me how to download the 1.4 sources?

In addition to what Paul said, if you go under the nmh web page on
savannah (https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/nmh/) there is a tab
up top marked "Source code".  You can get brief instructions on how to
use git, but if you don't want to use git _at all_, you can go under
the source code browser (http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/nmh.git) and
there are links to download tar files from the repository that correspond
to 1.4 or even the master branch.

thank you.  i was pretty sure that those links to auto-generated
tarballs must exist, but once again i was visually fooled by a git
browser not highlighting its live links.  i scanned that sea of
black-on-white text, and saw it as "nothing to click here, move

(for those new to git -- the links that ken pointed out don't point at
physical tarballs -- when you click, a tarball is created on the fly,
based on the tag that ken attached to that point in the git repo.)

 paul fox, pgf(_at_)foxharp(_dot_)boston(_dot_)ma(_dot_)us (arlington, ma, 
where it's 36.7 degrees)

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