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Re: [Nmh-workers] nmh User's Manual?

2012-02-29 08:14:03
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 09:49:08 GMT, Tethys said:

PS. That was the paper that introduced me to the world of MH, some
    time in the late '80s. At the time, 200 messages a day was an
    inconceivably huge number. At the peak of the spam problem a few
    years ago, I was getting over 10,000/day. How times change...

The linux-kernel mailing list *alone* runs to 500+ a day.  And then there's all
the *other* mail I get a day (average of 400 a day of other ham and maybe 40
spam if that much). If it wasn't for a 950 line .procmailrc and exmh, I'd be
*totally* screwed. :)

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