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Re: [Nmh-workers] Feature requests (or explanation of how to do 'em if already there)

2014-10-26 11:42:30
This isn't quite as simple as I wanted.  It's trivial to return a
string.  But, that string will be the entire address (c_text)
including the person name, which I assume we don't want.  The format
engine won't return an addr, just a string.  So I set getmymbox up to
run its output through %(addr) internally to strip any person name.

You know, it occurs to me that you actually MIGHT want to return the entire
address.  If you had things like this in Alternate-Mailboxes:

Alternate-Mailboxes: Yahoo Tech Support <support@yahoo.com>, Google Tech
        Support <support@google.com>, Microsoft Tech Support

You could simply set the value of the From: header to the complete thing
and that would be a lot simpler.  If you want to run it through %(addr),
of course you have that option, but that's one-way.

And it might be useful if Jon gave us some feedback on what he thinks
might work for him :-)


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