
Re: [Encode] Encoding vs. Charset

2002-03-25 20:40:03
On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 11:36:33AM +0800, Autrijus Tang wrote:
On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 03:58:58AM +0200, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
* rename gb2312 to gb2312-raw, ksc5601 to ksc5601-raw
-raw sounds funny, as if it were somehow "unprocessed" version.
How about -strict?

the -raw was my original suggestion. Anton however has a different

Anton> Autrijus, will you allow me to advocate
Anton> GB_2312-80  
Anton> for the 7-bit GB 2312?
Anton> li s is the name used both in the IANA registry and rfc 1345.

I'm okay either way. But not 'strict' please; unprocessed versions
are simply what they are.

Personally, I'd say go for '-raw'.

Fine by me, given my non-existent knowledge on the matter :-)


$jhi++; #
        # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
        # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

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