
windows-949 vs cp949 and misc

2002-04-05 05:13:22
Hello, Jungshik!

JS> One thing I don't agree with him is what designation
JS> to use for  CP949. I think it'd better be 'windows-949'

To me that's no problem. Currently I have written

Proper name: C<CP949>.
Proper names: C<CP936>, C<GBK>.
Proper name: C<CP950>.

How do you advice to rewrite this?

JS>  because that's
JS> more in line with other MS code pages such as windows-125x (for European
JS> scripts). By the same token, MS version of Shift_JIS can be labeled as
JS> 'windows-932. At the moment, Mozilla uses 'x-windows-949' for CP949/UHC
JS> because it's not yet registered with IANA. Probably, I have to contact
JS> Martin and discuss this issue.

Anton> +Encode aliases C<KS_C_5601-1987> to C<cp949> to reflect
Anton> +this common misusage.

JS>  If my patch is accepted, cp949 has a couple of more aliases,
JS> 'uhc' and '(x-)-windows-949'. CP949 is commonly known as 
JS> 'ЕлЗХ їПјєЗь'(Unified Hangul Code) in Korea.

Adding this to the [level 1/2+0.1] patch :-)

+I<Raw> C<KS_C_5601-1987> encoding is available as C<kcs5601-raw>.

JS>   ksc5601-raw had better be renamed  ksx1001-raw and ksc5601-raw
JS> can be made an alias to ksx1001-raw. Pls, note that now what's now called
JS> ksc5601-raw has two new characters which were only added in Dec. 1998
JS> over a year after the name change (KS C 5601 -> KS X 1001).

Sure it's not me, it's Dan! :-)

JS>   Oops... You meant gb2312-raw, didn't you? :-)
Thanks for tracking this!

JS>   The campaign web has disappeared since. It was almost 5 years
JS> ago :-). However, my Hangul FAQ subject 8 deals with the issue
JS> ( so that you may add the link to it.
JS> Well, be aware that it's been untouched for a few years (if not longer)
JS> and needs a complete overhaul.

The only thing I'm worried about with this is whether I have given
a proper annotation for this (in the patches)!

- Anton