
Re: [Encode] 1.65 released

2002-04-30 10:58:52
On Wednesday, May 1, 2002, at 02:15 , Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
$Revision: 1.65 $ $Date: 2002/04/30 16:13:37 $
  encode(undef) no longer warns for C<Use of uninitialized value in
  subroutine entry>.  Suggested by Paul.

Can I get warnings + fallbacks yet?

Er,  which one are you talking about?  Hold on... (Checking Mail...)

On Sunday, April 28, 2002, at 08:08 , Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
Very nice. I can get :encoding() to use fallbacks now.

One (final?) request - can WARN_ON_ERR do the warning even if
one of the fallbacks is used?

That way if something claims to be iso-8859-1 (say) but someone
uses Windows "smart quotes" you get \x8X to not loose info, and
a warning to tell you something is wrong.

This one? I've definitely overlooked. Sorry. I'll fix it in the next release.

Can we have a bit to enable warns on undef please ;-)

You'll get this one.

There are casting issues with perlqq etc. using (say) UVxf but only
passsing a U8 (e.g. s[slen]) and not a UV which format expects.

D'oh!  Oookay, that, too.

Dan the Encode Maintainer