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sending to group with right reply-to and subject header

1996-06-06 20:32:41
Hi from New York City, Bleecker St.

I'm using a procmail recipe to operate sort of a mailinglist variation
through my domain that is hosted by a virtual domain provider. The recipe
looks like this:

*$^To: (_dot_)*x(_at_)y(_dot_)com
| formail -i "Reply-To: funds-list(_at_)brainpools(_dot_)com" | $SENDMAIL -oi 
address2, addressn 

However, the forwarded emails don't show the original subject line written
by the sender. Instead, the subject line shows the name under which my
account at the virtual domain provider has been established.

Is there a way to modify the recipe so that the forwarded mails show the
right subject line?

I will much appreciate any respondent's effort and time, because I've
already spent much time in vain trying to solve this problem.


Marc Fest

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