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Re: fine tuning...

1996-06-23 10:39:43
Guy Geens <Guy(_dot_)Geens(_at_)elis(_dot_)rug(_dot_)ac(_dot_)be> writes:
On Sun, 23 Jun 1996, Mark Jared Nightingale wrote:
2. In the line
        echo "Your request for addition to AEC InfoCenter has been received.
        We will notify you once your entry is added."

        how can I add hard returns?

Add a \n in the text, e.g., echo "foo\nbar"

That only works with sysV versions of echo.  If it doesn't work for you
you can take advantage of a little used small note near the bottom of
the procmailrc(5) manpage that reads:

     If the action line of a recipe specifies a program,  a  sole
     backslash-newline pair in it on an otherwise empty line will
     be converted into a newline.


* ^TOresponder(_at_)aecinfo\(_dot_)com
* !^X-Loop: auto(_at_)aecinfo(_dot_)com
| (formail -r -A"Precedence: junk" \
    -I"From: AEC InfoCenter Inc. <comments(_at_)aecinfo(_dot_)com>" \
    -I"Subject: Auto Information Request" \
    -A"X-Loop: responder(_at_)aecinfo(_dot_)com" \
    -I"References:" -I"In-Reply-To:" ; \
    echo "Your request for addition to AEC InfoCenter has been received.\
We will notify you once your entry is added.") | $SENDMAIL -t

That should put a single newline in the string passed to echo.

Philip Guenther

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