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Re: Thanks to all the volunteers!

1996-08-03 08:33:34
Stephen R. van den Berg writes on 3 August 1996 at 13:03:23
Ari Lindemann <terry(_at_)eskimo(_dot_)com> wrote:
bounce-back works for both my accounts. 
that much of a deal (apart from wasting bandwidth which could easily
have been saved by sending it to the bit bucket instead (/dev/null)).

a resounding second to this!  If you are getting mail-bombed, the best
thing to do is simply file to /dev/null.  Trying to bounce a message
back is simply a gross waste of bandwidth.

BUT, don't *EVER* send back automatic mail replies without checking

It's probably a good idea to also put a X-Loop: in the outgoing reply
and check for that too.

------------------- message is author's opinion only ------------------
J. Daniel Smith <DanS(_at_)bristol(_dot_)com>
Bristol Technology B.V.                   +31 33 450 50 50, ...51 (FAX)
Amersfoort, the Netherlands               {info,jobs}(_at_)bristol(_dot_)com

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