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Re: handling when procmail isn't there

1996-08-04 09:45:52
"Timothy J. Luoma" <luomat(_at_)nerc(_dot_)com> writes:

I'm not sure what search sendmail uses when it launches procmail but if you
had a path like 


assuming ~ is your home directory when sendmail kicks in.

you could place a dummy procmail in your bin directory that does whatever
should happen when the real procmail isn't there.

In your .forward file don't qualify the path to procmail.

This is assuming that PATH will be your path from your login shell and not
something that sendmail or Unix decides.

I have this as the contents of my .forward file:

"|IFS=' '&&p=/usr/local/bin/procmail&&test -f $p&&exec $p  
-Yf-||exit 75 #luomat"

The other day my ISP changed the physical computer at which my mail  
gets delivered (without telling anyone :-(

This new computer did not have 'procmail' installed, meaning that  
whenever email hit my .forward, it bounced back to the sender.

Is there another way to handle the .forward so that if the procmail  
binary isn't there it will simply not try to forward the mail, but  
leave it at my mailspool?

Many thanks

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