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1996-08-15 07:11:29
On Wed, 14 Aug 1996 17:12:00 -0500, you wrote:

pmlabrier(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com (Paul LaBrier) writes:
What I need to accomplish is this,  sort and deliver mail to the users
of our LAN, eliminate duplicates (this is important, alot of mail to
our office is sent to everyone in the office, with all e-mail
addresses in the To: field)  send all junk to a ficticious user named

So if a piece of mail is addresses to two users, who should get it?
Only one?  Both?  Neither (give it to mailbag)?

Both, or all whichever the case my be.  If somebody sends mail to four
people in our office, all four would need to recieve it.

There are four errors here:

I found all four of these and a few more given another 12 hours to
look at it.  I am still having trouble with the  " formail -d 8192
.idcache -s procmail -d mailbag.   ALL recipies fail when I run
procmail from formail.  If I take the -d option out I get duplicate
messages out the wazzoo.  It seems there is a bug here.

What did work, was running formail from popclient and cat'ing the
output to a file.  This got rid of dupes.  Then I run the file thru
formail and procmail without the -d in formail.  Works like a champ.
Not a graceful solution, but one that works.

(I'm not trying to be harsh.  I just don't want you to come away with
your problem fixed, only to make one of the above mistakes at a later

No, thanks for the advice.  Any criticism that moves me toward solving
the problem and preventing it the next time is welcome.  As Gen.
Robert E. Lee once stated, Good Judgement comes from experiance and
experiance comes from bad judgement.

Paul LaBrier

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